Share Your UnTextbooked Classroom Success!

Calling all educators! Have you integrated UnTextbooked's history podcast episodes into your curriculum? We want to hear from you! Your experience and insights are invaluable in shaping the future of history education.

How to Share

Record a Video Testimonial

Create a short video sharing how UnTextbooked has enriched your classroom experience. Describe the impact it has had on your students' engagement, critical thinking, and historical understanding.

Lesson Plans and Activities

Share any lesson plans or classroom activities you've developed around UnTextbooked episodes. Include the themes explored, objectives, and the engagement it generated among your students.

Written Testimonial

Craft a heartfelt written testimonial, detailing your journey with UnTextbooked and the positive outcomes you've observed in your students' learning.

Showcase Student Work

If your students have created projects, artwork, or presentations inspired by UnTextbooked episodes, showcase their outstanding work and the lessons they learned.

How Your Contribution Helps

Your shared experiences will not only inspire other educators but also enrich the UnTextbooked community. By featuring your insights on our website, we can create a growing resource hub for educators seeking innovative approaches to history education.

To submit your classroom success story or educational resources, please send them to We look forward to featuring your contributions and spreading the UnTextbooked magic with educators worldwide.

Continued Engagement

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